Since she was so awesome at describing her Comic-Con experience , I asked Byrony for a play by play account of her recent trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter . I love to live vicariously through others and if you do too and are also fans of Harry Potter; I hope you enjoy this post. :-) A Geek Girl’s Musings on The Wizarding World of Harry Potter By Byrony Mackey I am a Harry Potter fan. By fan, I don’t mean I ‘like’ Harry Potter. I don’t mean that the books are an ‘enjoyable read’. I don’t use the word ‘fan’ as lackadaisically as most people do these days. I have Slytherin robes that I constructed (with my Mom’s help. Thanks, Mom!) I have a wand carved from wood corresponding to my birth-month in the Celtic calendar. I consider myself a fanatic. Fanatic: [ f uh - nat -ik ] a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause); "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"...
All things artistic, pop culture and geeky, writing and various inspirations. Bipolar & anxiety disorder information. waxing philosophical