It's so easy to get caught up in our every day lives... things that seem important but when compared to the people we love and dramatic world tragedies - just seem ridiculously unnecessary. With Memorial Day just passed - I am also reminded of recent tragedies. There was a very dear friend my age who I never expected to die so young who passed May 4th. Even though he had health problems and quite often was in and out of the hospital... it's still hard to believe. I'm grateful he's at peace and will no longer suffer... But I am trying to let go of the regret I have from not spending time with him the last couple times I had a chance. Another family friend very suddenly died leaving a devastated family. A truly tragic accident that no one ever could expect... it's a reminder of just how fragile our bodies can be and how we never really know how long we have on this earth. Of course we are always reminded when there is a massive tragedy such as in Oklahoma, ...
All things artistic, pop culture and geeky, writing and various inspirations. Bipolar & anxiety disorder information. waxing philosophical