Sometimes I find it troubling the types of questions people are asking when it comes to bipolar disorder. I took some common questions from the web and answered them in my experience.
Can bipolar people tell they are bipolar?
It’s a different journey for everyone but for me, I had no clue until I was diagnosed in my 30s.
What is a person with bipolar like?
Please don’t classify us as all Having the same symptoms or reactions to things. This is like saying what is the person with diabetes like. Everyone has unique DNA, unique experiences in their lives, and so many factors that make us different. Even though we have similar symptoms, they look different on everybody.
Can a bipolar person truly love?
YES OF COURSE!!! (I found this one rather offensive.) Sometimes we love too much and it scares people or we love and people don’t believe us because of various symptoms or episodes in the past.
Are bipolar people smart?
Again… offensive. Bipolar people are smart in a way that many cannot be. They have a sense of empathic wisdom; a deep understanding of emotions, and moods.
Does bipolar worsen with age?
Good question. For me, yes it’s definitely gotten worse as I’ve aged. My mania used to be euphoric and fun. Now it just means no sleep and lots of irritability. Again, genetic make up, medications taken, diet, and so many other factors make people with bipolar very different from each other.
What should you not say to a bipolar person?
Sharing some answers from online:
"You're Just Overreacting Again"
"Anything That Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger"
"Everybody Has Mood Swings Sometimes"
"Everyone Is a Little Bipolar Sometimes"
"You Are Psycho"
"You're Acting Like a Maniac"
"I Wish I Was Manic so I Could Get Things Done"
I'm going to add "What Happened to You?"
Thanks for reading and if you’re comfortable, please share this post so we can circulate the knowledge. Much love and joy to you all.
I’ll leave you with an article on how best to help bipolar people.
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